上月本部落格寫了一篇「由能源政見看川普為何勝選」。 昨天華爾街日報引用克勞沙 (Josh Kraushaar) 的「民主黨因為太環保而付出代價」一文, 其論點與本部落格文章極為類似,証明本部落並非無地放矢。 美國不論共和或民主兩黨都己嚴肅檢討過激的環保政策, 只有台灣社會仍深䧟於環保迷思中,不禁令人對臺灣前途深為擔憂。
Josh Kraushaar, writing in “Democrats Pay a Price for Being Green,” in the National Journal on Dec. 6:
Let me offer a piece of unsolicited advice, one that Democratic strategists have discussed privately but are reticent to promote publicly for fear of alienating green activists. Taking a more moderate stand on energy policy—whether it’s supporting the Keystone XL pipeline, championing the fracking boom that’s transforming regional economies, or simply sounding a more skeptical note on the Obama administration’s litany of environmental regulations—would do wonders for the Democratic Party’s ability to compete for the working-class voters who have drifted away from the party.
讓我給民主黨提個建議, 這是民主黨策士們私下討論但因害怕疏離了環保人士而不敢公開推動 的議題。我建議民主黨對能源政策應採取較為緩和的立場, 不論是支持輸送石油的 Keystone XL 管缐計劃,贊同對地方經濟有重大影響的頁岩氣裂解或對歐巴馬政府一連串的環 保規定提出一些批評。 這些政見對民主黨吸引己遠離民主黨的勞工階級選民有極大的助益。