今年美國商會白皮書對能源議題極為關注, 本篇先刋出美商要求政府提供穩定價廉的電力的呼籲。
充足、穩定可靠、且具有價格競爭力的電力供應是高科技製造商營運的基本要求,也是台灣經濟成長的基礎,即便只是短暫的供電中斷或微秒的電壓驟降,也經常會造成嚴重的生產設備與產能損失;尤其對產業用戶而言,保持營利的基本底線就是取得具有競爭力的能源成本,因此,我們鼓勵台灣政府及台灣電力公司(台電)能持續專注在此三大關鍵要素: 充足、穩定可靠及具有價格競爭力的電力供應。
a. 訂定清晰、務實的能源政策與方向,並提出一套明確可行的計劃來填補關閉核能電廠所產生的供電缺口,以緩解產業用電大戶的疑慮。以其它方式試著取代核能發電的成本是相當昂貴的,尤其是替代能源的開發如果過於急就章地推動,將未能預留足夠的時間讓較低成本的替代能源技術被有效率地開發。
b. 確實查明供電中斷或電壓驟降的根本原因,並採行適當的補救措施將因此可能產生的風險降至最低。台電並應持續與大型產業用戶定期會晤,共同討論中長期的電力需求機會以及供應面的挑戰。
c. 對所有大型產業電力用戶進行詳細的訪查與分析,以了解高科技製造商的製程對於穩定供電敏感度的需求為何,並將對用電穩定高度敏感的高科技製造廠商列入最高優先不受限電影響用戶名單中加以保護。因為這些生產製程對用電穩定高度敏感的高科技製造廠商對台灣的國內生產毛額成長與創造就業機會貢獻良多,他們在台灣的投資代表著對台灣中長期經濟發展的承諾,也能促使台電對於長期的電力供應做更有效的規劃。此外,經濟部與台電應積極推動節約能源,並支持用電供需管理之需求&反應(DR)計畫(請參閱以下建議3.1)上投注更多的心力。就我們的觀點,需求&反應(DR)是唯一可以被快速開發應用的有效節能計畫,若能配合獎勵誘因,可以用來協助台灣維持穩定的電力供給。其它計畫亦可作為詳細節能規劃的一部分,包括經濟補助誘因、耗能效率審查以及對用電大戶的訪查等。
d. 和亞洲國家相比,維持具有成本競爭力的能源供應定位,以確保產業競爭力,並支撐更強勁的經濟成長。台灣的大型產業用電戶大多身處全球市場的競爭當中,電價高低對基本營利有著相當大的影響。就能源成本的議題,經濟部與台電對於制定電價公式的細節、方法、流程等均須更加透明,以利工業用電大戶對未來電價變化預做準備,並在編列預算與財務規劃時避免造成負面的衝擊。尤其,對於核能四廠機組的除役相關成本的會計作帳方式更須謹慎小心,這些成本不應從電力使用者身上回收,因為當這些機組無法再產生電力或作為任何其它用途時,對台灣最有效的方法,就是從台電以外,由政府編列特別預算來支付此類「套牢成本」。
Suggestion 1: Ensure that Taiwan’s power supply continues to be sufficient, reliable, and competitively priced.
Being assured of an adequate and reliable power supply at competitive cost is a basic requirement for high-tech manufacturers’ operations, and therefore for the economic well-being of Taiwan as a whole. A fraction of a second of power interruption or voltage fluctuation can result in lost production and severe damage to valuable assets, and competitive energy costs are extremely important to the profitability of industrial users. We therefore encourage the government and the Taiwan Power Co. (Taipower) to continue to focus on the three key factors of adequacy, reliability, and cost.
With the mothballing of Nuclear Unit No. 4 and with the other three units slated to be decommissioned by 2025, concerns about power-supply adequacy and reliability have increased. Considering that 17% of the country’s power output is currently generated by nuclear plants, it is vital to set a long-term energy policy that maintains robust supply and competitive tariffs into the future, despite the decreased dependence on nuclear sources.
Our suggestions:
a. Set a clear direction and policy to mitigate the concerns of large industrial power users. It is likely to be extremely expensive to replace nuclear power with other sources, particularly if the replacement is done too quickly, without time to enable lower-cost resources to be developed efficiently.
b. Identify the specific root causes of power interruptions and take proper corrective actions to minimize the risks. Taipower should continue to meet with their large industrial customers on a periodic basis to discuss mid-to-long term power supply and demand opportunities and challenges.
c. Conduct a detailed analytical survey of the requirements for a stable electricity supply by large users in the strategic high-tech manufacturing sector. These companies should be given the highest priority for non-interruptible service because they make a crucial contribution to employment and GDP growth in Taiwan. Their heavy investment signals a long-term commitment to Taiwan and promotes more long-term, efficient planning by Taipower. In addition, the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) and Taipower should greatly increase efforts to promote energy conservation and support for Demand Response (DR) programs (see Suggestion 3.1 below). In our view, DR is the only program that can be developed quickly, aided by increased financial incentives, to assist in maintaining reliable supply across Taiwan. Additional programs to consider as part of a detailed plan include economic grants, energy audits and reviews with large customers, etc.
d. Maintain a robust cost-competitive position with respect to energy supply among Asian countries to support stronger economic growth. Large industrial customers in Taiwan compete in a global marketplace, and the price of power has a significant impact on their bottom-line profitability. These large users need more clarity on the details, methodology, and process by which power tariff adjustments are made in order to prepare for future changes and avoid adverse surprises affecting their budgeting and planning. In particular, the cost associated with the construction and potential decommissioning of nuclear unit 4 merits careful attention. These costs should not be recovered from power users, as the unit will never have generated any electricity or served a useful purpose. The most efficient way forward would be for Taiwan to cover any such “stranded costs” by allocating a separate budget to absorb them. If the costs were to be included on Taipower’s balance sheet it would likely bankrupt the company and cause electricity bills to soar.
e. Provide sufficient and reliable gas supply for power generation and to support other industrial usage. MOEA and the national oil company, the CPC Corp., should ensure timely construction of the proposed No. 3 LNG receiving station. Over the next several years, CPC must also ensure that its gas purchases are prudently priced, given the rapidly changing international gas market. As the sole importer of Taiwan’s LNG, CPC should provide more transparency about how it balances spot and term LNG purchases.